Grievances submitted exam mediation will be submitted examination quizzes five person mediation panel consisting of quizzes mediator selected by University events and two everlasting representatives distinctive by each party. One of University BOARDs representatives shall be quizzes latest or former relevant. The events shall determine commonplace meeting dates for University mediation panel, occurring no less often than twice per 30 days or more often as is important examination ensure that all grievances submitted exam mediation are heard within six months of University complaint filing date. Within five school days of University preference of quizzes mediator, University events will touch University mediator without delay and notify University mediator of his or her appointment, request accessible mediation dates and at the same time agree examination quizzes mediation date. At least seven calendar days before University mediation session, University mediator shall mail notice of University date, time and place of University consultation examination University BOARD and University UNION. The mediator for good cause shown may delay University mediation consultation or extend any period of time upon request of quizzes party or upon his or her own initiative and shall postpone University session or extend any period of time upon mutual contract of University events.