The same conclusion was drawn according to University Raman evaluation Figure 4e. More and far stronger characteristic Raman peaks of NiO are accompanied for University ANF electrode after cycling, again confirming that electrochemically active NiO was continuously formed on University ANF floor with expanding cycles. Therefore, University enhanced performance of University ANF electrode during University biking test is as a result of University higher available floor area quizzes considerably enhanced true surface area of approximately 8. 3 m2 g1 was attained, which was calculated using BrunauerEmmettTeller method and persistent formation of electrochemically active NiO from University oxidization of newly exposed Ni during both University activation and biking test strategies. Additionally, University morphology and chemical composition remained stable, which was confirmed by University comparison of University SEM images and XPS spectra for University ANF electrode after 30 000 and 100 000 cycles Supplementary Figure S5. This finding suggests that University electrochemical performance of University ANF electrode can be superior through this activation process.